Jeremy Bowen and Bashar al-Assad. |
Assad named also clearly the evil force behind the scene, which created this mess in Syria: Saudi Arabia with its totalitarian Wahhabi ideology. The Saudi regime is the greatest problem for the West. Not Assad but the Saudi regime has to go. If the West doesn't do the job, the Islamic State (IS) will do it. Both Islamic dictatorships share the same ideology. Without the control of Mecca and Medina an Islamic State doesn't make much sense.
Assad seems convinced that he is fighting terrorism, which is instigated by the West and its Arab client states. He denied flatly that his regime has used barrel bombs. What the interview further shows is a lack of flexibility and a suppleness of mind on Assad's part. It seems as if the US American political class has softened their rhetoric on Assad. Perhaps they are having second thoughts about the chaos they have created in the region. Each country, the US has invaded is immersed in civil war and chaos: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen. You name it, you've got it.
It seems as if the West fights fire with gasoline in Syria by holding a protecting hand over Saudi Arabia. How come that the West is so obsessed to overthrow the last secular regime in the region to clear the way for the founding of an Islamic State in the whole of the Middle East, which already today poses a threat to the West?