Iraq was a playground for international terrorism. But what seems more serious, is the questioning of established international law and destabilize the international system as a whole. Despite the platitude that since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 "has changed everything," said Francis A. Boyle, Professor of Law at the University of Illinois in Champaign, that the imperialist orientation of U.S. foreign policy since the founding of the United States has remained the same.
After reading the book, one wonders whether the list of "rogue states" do not need to be supplemented. For the author, the U.S. is the "rogue elephant of International Relations." Boyle argued in the nine chapters of the book entirely legalistic, in the tradition of his country, is ranked in the "Rule of Law" on a par with "God, motherhood and apple pie." His arguments against the various U.S. administrations are legally convincing, although there are many counter-arguments to all his assertions.
The author vigorously defends all minorities and their human rights. He served on the board of Amnesty International and others was legal advisor to the Palestinian negotiating delegation, Haidar Abdel-Shafi in 1991 to 1993 in Washington. His commitment to the rights of the Palestinians is particularly pronounced, which has significantly contributed to his "outsider" within the scientific community in the U.S.. However, this is understood not as a flaw, but as a distinction.
The intention of the author is to demonstrate that violate the U.S. government under Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George WH Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and especially George W. Bush Jr., the law and human rights of smaller states at will. So the U.S. had interpreted their "right to self defense" always very excessive. The Reagan administration tried to "Caroline Case" of 1837 to justify their retaliation in the Gulf region, Lebanon, Libya, and against international terrorism. At that time, Secretary of State Daniel Webster argued that the self-defense measures should be applied only in extreme emergencies when no other means were available to more and no possibility of negotiating more be given. This definition was also the War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg in 1945 net as it passes judgment Nazi criminals.
Have committed Boyle throws the U.S. president in front on the war against Iraq, "war crime." So did Bush sen. ordered the destruction of vital installations in Iraq, the environment severely compromised, can deliberately bombed civilians and unarmed soldiers, the Iraqis vital medicine, clean water and food withheld and ruined the economic base of the country. Boyle's request for dismissal, which brought the Texas Representative Henry Gonzalez in Congress who wanted to join but no other Members. Has a similar Amtenthebungsverfahren Jr., the author also against Bush. strain, which is directed against Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Boyle accuses the United States' "Patriot Act have to transform "into a" police state ". Also this application is probably not a success.
The author also rejects "from humanitarian intervention", since no state had the right under international law to attack militarily under the pretext of humanitarian intervention to another UN member state. As it stands out but this well-Volker legal position of some advocates of intervention in Europe. Boyle points out that international law and the UN ready instruments, resolve conflicts peacefully. For the author, only the crimes of the Nazis against European Jewry a military intervention can be justified. In complete disregard of the mandate of NATO, he believes this alliance for the "largest collection of genocidal states that have ever organized in the history." Consequently, we hear of this alliance also no word on a humanitarian intervention against Israel in order to guarantee the protection of the Palestinian people.
Although Boyle's contributions are all very rigorous and grounded in international law, but also show a hint of despair and powerlessness with which he legally dashing against the hegemony of the U.S. government. A change in U.S. policy could be enforced by the American people. He must be given that the incumbent government is contrary to the principles of law. The "Rule of Law", which had absorbed the American people with the milk, should be refocused into the consciences of the public. It is highly penetrating time in this "psychic reservoir" of the citizens, what is the most characteristic feature of the American people.
For such a concern to prevail, the author has yet to travel a long and arduous route. Show the critical contributions that has criticism of the U.S. government to do anything with anti-Americanism. For all those who are also with the policies of the Bush administration do not agree, this book is a treasure trove of arguments. In the meantime, the American people has rendered its verdict, and Senator John McCain and therefore not chosen because it did not want any more of the Bush policies for another four years. However, whether with Barack Hussein Obama secures the improvement can only show the future. The "Clintonization" of Obama's presidency does not bode well.
First published: MWC News, March 20, 2010.