Freitag, 7. Juni 2019

CNN and MSNBC have to sling out the ideologues

CNN and MSNBC should report on reality and not fiction.
The ratings of the significant American propaganda outlets, CNN=FNN (Fake News Network) and MSNBC is going south. Having belabored the Russian collusion subject and got it wrong, MSNBC and CNN have to take appropriate actions. In both media outlets, heads must roll. What both outlets have been doing for the last two years was not reporting the facts but showered the American people with the meanest of propaganda, which Joseph Goebbels could never imagine.

One of the ridiculous TV poster girls is the hysterical Rachel Maddow. Every day she was carried away by her fantasies and her misperception of reality. She was obsessed with Donald Trump and forgot about the criminality and machinations of Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Democratic National Committee. The Clintons can be considered America's most criminal couple. To dig into the Clinton swamp, one can be a bog, which might be too swampy and dangerous for the elitist Maddow.

CNN or better known under its real name FNN (Fake News Network) is packed with ideologues who almost all of them despise Donald Trump. Since Trump beat the most despicable women in the US, Hillary Clinton, CNN together with the Deep State started a conspiracy not only against a sitting President but to the American People in general.

Till the publication of Robert Mueller's report, which did neither find collusion with Russia nor obstruction of justice, CNN tries to come to terms with reality. The brainwashing of the American people in the name of the Democratic Party wasn't done so bluntly anymore. Since the publication of Mueller's false report, CNN rows back on the most blatant lies. Since Jeff Zucker took over, the outlet has been out of it on essential topics such as the Brett Kavanaugh "rapist" story, with a stooge of the Democratic Party, Christine Basely Ford, who gave a "testimony" that stunk to high heaven. 

To clear the air at CNN, the outlet should get rid of propagandist such as Jake Tapper, Jim Acosta, Don Lemon, Brian Stelter; you name it. Their task is not brainwashing the people but reporting on what's up. The German television journalist Hanns Joachim Friedrichs gave excellent advice to his colleagues saying: "A good journalist can be recognized by the fact that he does not get along with a cause - not even with a good one; he is everywhere but doesn't belong anywhere."

CNN and MSNBC which bet the ranch on the Mueller report and the hysterical nonsense of the Democratic Party have lost their credibility and suffer rightly financial losses.